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This objective is relatively self-explanatory and the shortest of them all. In this section, we will break down best practice methodology for closer inspection and add comments where necessary.
First of all, always consider corporate policies, procedures, and impact before implementing changes. Then, while staying within the confines of these policies, proceed as follows:
Identify the problem using the following steps.
Question the user in order to identify the user’s changes to the computer.
Perform backups before proceeding further.
Inquire regarding environmental or infrastructure changes. This requires you to check with the user, and any other relevant parties, regarding any changes that may have impacted the issue.
Review system and application logs. Use Event Viewer on the local machine and review any server logs that are relevant to the issue.
If necessary, conduct external or internal research based on the symptoms. Use the information you’ve gathered to make a determination about the cause of the issue.
Once your theory is confirmed as the cause of the issue, determine the next steps to resolve the problem. If your theory is not confirmed or proven incorrect, come up with a new theory or escalate. Don’t waste time. If your theory doesn’t work, rethink, get help, or escalate the issue to a higher-level technician.
When you are satisfied with your resolution, verify full system operation. You can have the user perform this validation whenever possible. Take any steps that would prevent recurrence of the issue.
That’s all for objective 5.1. Good luck on the test!
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