CompTIA A+ Practice Test & Exam Bundle
With 1,000,000 people already certified, the CompTIA A+ Practice Exam is the most successful vendor-neutral entry-level IT professional exam ever developed. CompTIA A+ 220-1101 focuses more on hardware issues; you will also need the more software-oriented part of the exam, A+ 220-1102 to be A+ certified. It covers the fundamentals of computer technology, installation, and configuration of PCs, laptops, and related hardware, and basic networking. It tests for the fundamentals of computer technology, networking, and security, as well as the communication skills and professionalism required of all entry-level IT professionals.
Good to know about CompTIA recertification:
CompTIA A+, Network+ and Security+ certifications will be valid for three years from the date the candidate is certified. After the three years renewal will be required although there are a few ways around this. Instead of recertifying, you can earn CEUs and some other certifications, would you take them, can alleviate the need to recertify, for more on this, go to CompTIA. Huge exceptions to this policy are candidates who were certified prior to January 1, 2011. If you did, you are certified for life!
Get your CertBlaster® A+ practice test immediately
Because CertBlaster® is 100% delivered online, you can access the CompTIA a + practice test immediately from any Windows PC or Mac. There is no legacy software to download, no installation, and you always have the latest and greatest version of the tests as they are regularly updated and upgraded online.
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