CompTIA Security+ Practice Test for Exam SY0-601

To get an overview of the difference between the Security+ SY0-501 and security+ SY0-601 see our article Difference 501 vs 601

Why choose CertBlaster Security+ practice test?

  • Because we have exceptionally comprehensive Security+ practice tests: Over 450 questions, answers and explanations.
  • Because you get 4 complete Security+ exam simulations plus 5 Domain Drills (one for each exam objective).
  • Because we offer you a First Try Guarantee of success at the exam.
  • Because our test engine is modeled after CompTIA – you will be ready for the exam:

About the Security+ credential
The Security+ credential is approved by the U.S. Dept. of Defense to meet Information Assurance (IA) technical and management certification requirements. It has been selected by the staff recruiters at Hitachi Information Systems (Japan) and many U.S. government contractors such as Computer Sciences Corporation (CSC), General Dynamics and Northrop Grumman and many more. Typical job titles for Security+ certified professionals are: Security Engineer, Security Consultant, Network Administrator and Information Assurance (IA) Technician or Manager.

Good to know about CompTIA recertification:
CompTIA A+, Network+ and Security+ certifications will be valid for three years from the date the candidate is certified. After the three years renewal will be required although there are a few ways around this. Instead of recertifying you can earn CEUs and some other certifications, would you take them, can alleviate the need to recertify, for more on this, go to CompTIA. A huge exception to this policy are candidates who certified prior to January 1, 2011. If you did, you are certified for life!

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System Requirement

Need a certification other than Security+
Do you need to obtain a different certification, such a A+, Security+, MCSA, or LPI? We also offer practice exam courses for those as well:

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Practice question in a CertBlaster Security+ practice test
Example of a script based performance based question in a CertBlaster Security+ practice test

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