Linux commands in the A+ Exam 220-1002
Updated: 02/21-2021
We have seen from early returns that this is an area where many candidates preparing for the A+ exam will be weak. Linux does not come naturally to most PC enthusiasts. One could indeed argue that Linux does not come all that naturally to anyone! No disrespect to the, at times, intense Linux tribe out there. Having said that Linux is probably one of the best OS on any PC or server. It remains that Linux is, to most, fairly obscure. Below are the 17 commands that any A+ candidate may have to know on exam day.
- Basic Linux commands
- ls
- grep
- cd
- shutdown
- pwd vs. passwd
- mv
- cp
- rm
- chmod
- chown
- iwconfig/ifconfig
- ps
- su/sudo
- apt-get
- vi
- dd
- kill
If this is all Mandarin to you then you will need to figure out how to prepare for those questions. Here are a few sources:
Any number of books – See
The Linux MAN pages (Man as in short for Manual)
Google any of these commands and parse the info carefully (you are on the internet after all)
CertBlaster A+ Practice Test for 220-1002We offer a handful of free A+ practice questions for the 220-1002 on our Certification Learning Resources page. If you are laser-focused on Linux commands then take a look at the free A+ practice question 1 as it shows you an example of what you could see on the A+ exam as it pertains to Linux.
The epicenter of the Linux commands in the A+ exam objectives is under main domain 1.0 “Operating Systems” and the Sub-objective is 1.9 “Given a scenario, use features and tools of the Mac OS and Linux client/desktop operating systems” the fourth topic point of which reads: “Basic Linux commands”. It’s under that topic point that you will find above 17 Linux commands listed. Making them all a possible question at your exam.
If you got here by error and what you are really looking for is Linux practice tests then you can find more information about that on our LPIC-1 pages.
Here is a teaser for you. Can you figure out which command generated the below output? i.e. what command was typed in the terminal for this data to show? If you know the answer, type it in the comments box below and we’ll shout out to the correct one!
Mystery Linux Command Output -
2 thoughts on “Linux commands in the new A+ exam 220-1002”
Sorry about the prior inept response: You are right Adam! The correct answer is indeed iwconfig/ifconfig. iwconfig is for wireless – ifconfig is Ethernet and they are both listed on the same objective line in the A+ 220-902 exam objectives above.