I passed the A+ 220-901 exam using A+ practice test software and the internet – Part 3 of 3
By: Robert J. Miller, A+, Network+, Server+, MCP.
Click here for part 1
Click here for part 2
First the Practicalities
You will be asked for two forms of ID bearing your signature, one of which bearing your picture. After your identity has been confirmed you will fill out some paperwork. General information. Then you will be asked to sit for a mugshot which becomes part of your grading summary so look sharp!
What to expect in the testing environment
You will be shown into a closed room containing well-spaced and near private workstations sitting at a login screen.
You are not allowed to bring any objects into the exam room. But knowledge cannot be left outside even though it often is. Go into your station take your writing material and write down the charts you have made and memorized.
Testing is strictly timed. However during the initial introductory period where you are shown your workstation and give your writing implements.
Once you click on your log in the timer starts. 15 minutes is provided for you to enter your demographic information. When you’ve completed the demographic information, the 90-minute test timer will begin.
The Test
CompTIA reports the test is a maximum of 90 Questions with a 90 minute time limit. My Experience was 80 questions in 90 minutes. This is sufficient time provided you are well prepared and you manage your time properly. The first few questions are performance-based and have the potential to use a lot of clock cycles so be careful. If you find yourself stuck, just mark the question for later and move on. Doing this allows you to knock out all of the Items you are comfortable with, leaving more time for the tough stuff later.
I saw three question types:
Performance-based: You can expect to see 3-6 of this question type. These questions require the relational application of concepts in situations that require a specific outcome that can only be achieved one way. Don’t worry you can reset the question anytime you are not comfortable with what you see. There is nothing sneaky or covert about these they’re just a lot tougher and more time-consuming than a multiple choice.
Multiple Choice: Now there are two types covered here. MCSA (Single Answer) and MCMA (Multiple Answer). You will see the traditional radio button response where you click and a dot populates a small white circle to indicate your single response to the question. The MCMA applies when there is more than one correct response. Here you will see squares beside each response. I these cases the question text will also inform you of the need of more than one response. Let’s say the question says “Choose two”, selecting anything other than two will generate a warning message and sound!
Ending and Finalizing
At the conclusion of your session, you will be shown a screen that displays any incomplete questions along with any marked for later. This is later. At this point check your timer and see how you are doing. In most cases, you should have some amount of time to review your work. I would “time-budget “a performance-based question at around three to five minutes each. Depending on the amount of time you have you can look at each question if you like. A fair warning from one test-taker to another- when you review the questions you will have the benefit of having been exposed to all the questions and your responses. I have to tell you from personal experience that you will have a strong desire to 2nd guess yourself and change answers. I’m not implying that you guessed on anything it is merely a convenient term.
When it’s all said and done you’ll begin trying to leave. You’ll click end exam and check the missing/incomplete screen will appear. You’ll get some variations on this all aimed at making sure you know that after this you forfeit any “Do-overs” you may have thought you had.
I have been doing this a very long time, using these tools exclusively including the CertBlaster A+ practice tests on fellow educators and students. There are over 800 certified professionals that I helped pass!
Please let us know how you did! You can comment below.
FULL DISCLOSURE: I am an employee of dti Publishing Corp. and so work on a variety of its educational products. So, although I believe my advice above is sound it may apply differently to you depending on your background and experiences.