CertBlaster A+ Practice Tests and making sure candidates are prepared for A+ success!
Updated: 11/17-2021
By Brian Arrowood, A+, Project+. You can find Brian here
NOTE: This is an unsolicited post by Brian who passed the CompTIA A+ certification in October of last year. Brian relied in large part on CertBlaster but also studied really hard. What is unusual about Brian is that he successfully passed the A+ exams without prior PC Support experience and without attending any classes. He overcame these challenges by working a lot of hard work but also leveraging CertBlaster. We are proud that CertBlaster could play a part in his achievement and grateful he felt compelled to write this post for our blog. Thanks Brian!
Everyone wants to receive guidance from a knowledgeable source.
It doesn’t matter what it is we are talking about. So, where can you gain expert assistance to help you pass the CompTIA A+ certification exam? The A+ objectives cover a lot of information, and taking into account the countless A+ study sites on the Internet, one can easily become overwhelmed. Well, look no further, because the nice folks at CertBlaster have been making some incredible updates to their online resources/study tools. After all, CertBlaster is in business to keep future test takers and candidates, like yourself, best prepared to achieve nothing but A+ success. Those of you reading this blog are probably familiar with the names CompTIA and CertBlaster.
I used CertBlaster’s product to pass the A+ exam last year…
CompTIA is a leading certification provider in IT, while CertBlaster has been making available all the greatest tools to assist candidates in passing CompTIA exams for years— namely, the A+. Widely regarded as one of the most effective and reliable study sources, CertBlaster has gained an incredible reputation for delivering the most helpful and beneficial products to test takers. These efforts are driven towards enabling candidates to pass exams on their first attempt, and CertBlaster’s very own “first try guarantee” is a testament to this fact. I used CertBlaster’s product to pass the 801-802 last year and thought it was great then.
Staying ahead of the CompTIA A+ Objectives
Staying up to date with the CompTIA A+ certification means staying up to date with continually changing objectives. In about 6 months the current A+ version will be retired. This is one of CompTIA’s routine “every three-year” updates, but the good news is that the people at CertBlaster are already ahead of the game. I’ve reviewed CertBlaster’s A+ Exam Simulator for the new A+ and must say I’m thoroughly impressed. Aside from keeping up with ever-changing objectives, the new updates are not only visually stunning but interactively appealing. (see blog post Performance Based Questions for the A+ 220-1001 and 220-1002 for more information).
Making the content engaging
CertBlaster’s ability to engage test-takers in a manner most closely resembling that of an actual exam environment is what initially drew me to them. Granted, many certification providers make required objectives available to the public, and this same principle holds true for the majority of CompTIA exams, but CertBlaster’s A+ online study environment helps candidates gain the highest levels of confidence possible—essentially blowing away the competition. After logging into the site, test takers are placed in an extremely realistic setting with literally thousands of questions laid out in various formats. From exam drills by objective topic to more formal predesigned practice exams, the easily accessible software package enables quick and fast absorption of “relevant only” material. It even performs an assessment that collects data of areas needing improvement or review. The updated 901-902 question with the screenshot mentioned above is a good example. Its realism to the actual exam experience is unsurpassable.
Performance-based – in-simulator questions
A+ simulation questions are frequently the cause of the biggest concern among candidates, and much feedback from test-takers suggests that reaching a level of comfort on these questions is challenging, so why not make being prepared for potential simulation scenarios a foremost priority? With expert knowledge from the people at CertBlaster, these and many other challenges are easily overcome. But wait, there’s more good news to share. Continued updates are on the way. In fact, I’ve been told that increased interactive enhancements are to be expected. However, let’s not forget all that is really needed to pass the 220-901 and 220-902 exams. A simple mastery of CompTIA’s outlined objectives is all that is required to achieve the A+ certification. Remember, CertBlaster already provides the tools that candidates need to do this, and they are at your disposal. With a “first try guarantee,” there is nothing to lose.
Make sure you are well prepared
One last thing to mention: CertBlaster can’t take the exams for you. Good test-taking skills are essential requirements for a successful attempt at the A+. More importantly, the objectives list is extremely comprehensive, so candidates are wise to prepare for the unexpected. Although easier said than done, test takers should look over the exact material for which they might be saying, “there’s no way this will be on the exam.” I know I thought the same thing about RAID and drive bay redundancies. Of course, if you had asked me afterward, I would have said that I had been given a “disproportionate” amount of RAID questions (luckily CertBlaster had lots of RAID questions). Nevertheless, with a little self-discipline and real work, a confident attitude, and CertBlaster as an ally, hanging the CompTIA A+ certification on your wall can become a definite reality.