CompTIA A+ Test Strategy
Updated: 02/22-2021
The CompTIA A+ Multiple Choice Question
By: Robert J. Miller, A+, Network+, Server+, CWNA, MCP.
We are here focusing on the multiple-choice question type. Even though we spend a lot of time programming performance-based questions for the CertBlaster CompTIA practice tests, in terms of pure numbers (quantity) multiple choice question type is by far the biggest still. Let’s take a look at a couple of A+ 220-1002 practice questions and how you may dissect them to get to the correct response. Understand that the specific question content here is not what’s determining. The point of this exercise is to help you think strategically when eliminating incorrect detractors and so get to the right answer.
Bear in mind that something may look like a hardware problem when it is in fact a software issue. This is shown in our example. Where a keystroke is acknowledged by the software as a reboot signal, like CTRL+ALT+DEL on a PC. This affects how you study and dissect the problem.
First Question Example
Your iPhone is frozen and does not react to any input. Tapping the screen or pushing the buttons produces no results. The owner’s manual calls for a hard reset to resolve the condition. How do you do this?
– Call the phone while holding the Home button
– Remove the battery
– Press and hold the Wake/sleep button
– Press and hold the Wake/Sleep and Home button for 10 seconds
Eliminating the detractors
Looking at the responses here’s the first one: Call the phone while holding the Home button. Smartphones are designed to be mobile and self-sufficient. This answer is clearly wrong. Consider this your nonsense detractor.
Next, removing the battery seems like a good idea until you realize that it only removes and reapplies power. This does not give the software the input it is looking for.
The next response is: Press and hold the Wake/sleep button. Now, this is plausible but the keystroke is not complex enough. It could be accidentally activated at any time making it not optimal as a response. Do note that this alternative and the next one both center on Wake/sleep. Whenever you have two alternative answers this close to each other there is a real chance that one of them is the correct answer.
Zooming in on “the one”
The last alternative here is: Press and hold the Wake/Sleep and Home button for 10 seconds. If you own an iPhone this process is familiar to you. If you don’t, look at what is required: You have to press and hold two different keys for a specific length of time. This is complex enough to not be executed accidentally but easy enough not to have to carry the manual with you. This is your answer!
Example Two: Matters of company policy
Here is an operational policy question that requires you to be familiar with standard company policies and interaction with co-workers:
You notice highly objectionable unauthorized material displayed while passing a coworker’s cubicle. What is your first action?
– Tell the coworker the content is objectionable and advise them to get rid of it
– Contact your immediate superior, no one else
– Hibernate the PC and follow the company chain of custody
– Investigate by questioning your immediate superior and neighboring employees
You have been dropped into a sticky situation…
The first response, “The nice guy” wants to warn the coworker and keep them from getting in trouble. This comes at the cost of being an accomplice. Really bad idea.
The next response we skip for now and the one after that “Hibernate the PC and follow the company chain of custody” has you 1) enter the personal space of the co-worker and 2) make physical changes to the machine that a forensic team would have an issue with.
After that, the proposed action would be to ask around about the employee’s behavior. This is way above your pay grade, and to be left to those with experience in these matters
Now the correct response: Contact your immediate superior, no one else. Very clearly if you are offended just add that in your report to your immediate supervisor. Obviously, there is a problem. Who finds out about it and what action is to be taken will be determined at the appropriate management levels. This is your correct choice.
Matters of company policy change from company to company. One thing you can always count on is the chain of command and reporting procedures. If you have a problem with anything sensitive, always report it to the next level manager. Their job is to either act on the information or in their turn report to their next level management.